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My name is Yasmine Al Massri, I wish for ‘Soldiers4peace’ to connect free thinking, progressive, people all around the world. Men and women who believe war, hate, religion, government, corporation, institution, don’t have peace as their priority, don’t have people’s happiness and wellbeing as their priority. The opposite, we have been lied to, manipulatd, cheated, taxed, and paid for their WARS, HATE, RACISM, GUNS..  I felt that its time  for ‘Disobedience Generation’ the name of my fashion brand.  

My childhood was dictated by trying to understand two things. Being born a Palestinian Refugee. The second. Growing up in The Lebanese Civil War(1975-1991). Which means, instead of eating ice cream and figuring out my Halloween costumes, I was making sense of the killing capacity of humanbeings.

My love story with fashion started when I was a child, growing up in a family of refugees in Lebanon, where buying cloth was a luxury before which food and education came first. My wardrobe consisted of inherited pyjamas, tshirts, that have been passed from one uncle, cousin, auntie, to another.. sometimes they were bags given to my father by rich people emptying their closets. Watching him opening these bags in the living room always felt like Christmas .. I became obsessed with vintage when I moved to Paris, off course I was in heaven for such an obsession. Becoming an actor, I didn’t always have a stylist, so I started transforming my cloth in the intention of allowing myself to wear them again and again making them adapt with my changing style. 

My struggles taught me to become the person that I am. Every design is unique, the art is handmade, when people wear my piece they become soldiers, every soldier has a unique number. I hope to create a whole community that would feel connected around ideologies and reel belief in peace, I hope that one day these communities will go down the streets and hold hands creating human chains for a minute or two all around the world.. 

Soldiers4Peace: What's New

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